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Team FPC Gym, a purely strong team from a world-class small town

Our gym has its own sports team, with a wide range of sports enthusiasts and competitors. Whether you're going to the gym for self-improvement or to compete, Team FPC Gym welcomes you to join us.
fpcgym team


Team FPC Gym is a sports team founded in summer 2019. The teams activities include powerlifting, weightlifting, strongman sports and other sports under doping control.
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Bench press

Our gym has several professionals competing in the Finnish Powerlifting Association and SVRY - Suomen Voimapunnerrus competitions.


Our gym is a great place to train in a variety of strength sports. Our club has several active athletes competing in strongman events. Members of our club compete in the World Heavy Events Associations competitions.
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A small town has a lot of power

Our team already has several Finnish champions in different sports. Team FPC Gym offers strong support for your training, whether your goal is to improve your fitness or compete. We operate under doping control. 

Supporting our team

Our club is supported by many local businesses that genuinely care about sport. Join the supporters!
Contact us
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